Customized parts

TTS is your procurement specialist and global supplier for standard and customer-specific electronic, technical, mechanical and hybrid components, systems, assemblies and tools.

Our goal: Cost-effective procurement and /order production of high-quality individual parts and assemblies exactly according to your specifications.

A small selection of customized parts:

Parts that convice with lightness

In addition to die casting, chill casting and sand casting we also produce forged, turned and milled aluminium parts, which of course include individual further processing of the parts such as anodizing, powder coating, chrome-plating, etc.



Assembly of injection moulded parts into complex assemblies as well as assembly sets iunclusive packaging.

The assemblies are produced by gluing, snapping, pressing, screwing, mirror welding and ultrasonic welding of plastic and metal parts.

In addition to manual assembly, functional tests can also be carried out according to your specifications.

Application examples:
Covers, electrical and/or electronic components, cable entry flanges, high-voltage resistors, various machine parts, furniture connectors, adjusting screws.




Everything is possible – from simple parts to multi-components and hybrid component.

The injection moulding technology enables almost all design requirements for simple to complex plastic parts, even with demanding surfaces.

Injection moulding process:

  • 2 components:
    Two different plastics or colours in only one injection moulding process
  • Internal gas pressure:
    Weight-reduced and more economical parts due to cavities
  • Composite parts:
    Combination of plastic and other materials
  • Screwed connections:
    Plastic parts and forms with internal and external thread
  • Gear wheels:
    Highly precise and robust with the right balance between stability, accuracy and weight reduction




We offer a wide range of high-quality, customer-specific electrical and electronic components and assemblies for industry, railway technology, health care, aviation and defence technology.


Examples of customer specific products:

  • Diode blocks
  • Load resistors
  • Traction resistors
  • LED and bulb dimmers
  • Measuring, control and regulation boards
  • Power supplies
  • Safety relays
  • Sensors & Controller
  • Transformers
  • Varistor blocks
  • Voltage indicators